Melissa Fitzsimon

Melissa Fitzsimon
Melissa Fitzsimon, Wellness Advocate

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Yeast infection??

These are my go to oils for the symptoms of Yeast infection.

2 drops of each  applied to the area and it is instant relief and gone within a couple of days.

When applied there is a cold/burning sensation which feels quite nice but if it is too much then just add some coconut oil to dilute.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This is a wonderful recipe for window and mirror cleaning.
Streak free and clean and clear

I just use a spray bottle and fill it half with vinegar and half with water and put 
10 drop of Lemon Essential Oils in.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I have suffered period pain since i was a teen. My doctor put me on the pill when i was 17yo to balance my hormones and help with the pain. It did relieve it a bit but I still needed to use a pain killer. A few years later i realised that I wanted to be off the pill and find a natural way of balancing my hormones.

15 years later, I have found it!!

I use Solace every day, one week before more period and I take these every day, the whole month........

I have not had any pain since!
                            20 years of waiting for relief and it is finally here!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Yesterday I rolled my ankle in the surf. As the day went on  it got worse and by the afternoon I couldn't walk on it and it was all swollen.

It was actually quite nice lying on the lounge all evening and not having to do any jobs;)

So, I put the Deep Blue on in the afternoon and before I went to bed.

In the morning, I had no pain! It still feels a bit weak, like a should take it easy, but, I can walk and I rode my bike to my sons school. I can see it starting to swell a bit, but, still no pain!

I love this stuff!

Tried and Tested. This works everytime. You have to take it when you first get symptons. If you wait until your sick then it is too late. I have also used Lemon instead of Melaleuca and still works just as good.

I have been using this Deodorant for a couple of weeks now and i am totally loving it. I have tried Lemon but i smelt like delicious cooking all day so now i have Lemongrass and it always smells fresh!
Next i think i will try maybe Whisper for more of a perfume smell.

So easy to make!

¼ cup aluminum free baking soda
¼ cup cornflour
3-5 tablespoons coconut oil
15 drops desired essential oil (see recommendations below)
1 empty deodorant container (you can also purchase one here)
Recommended essential oils: Lemon, Melaleuca, Lavender, On Guard, Lime, Geranium, Lemongrass, Purify, and Thyme.

Mix all ingredients together and squish into a deodorant container. If you don't have a container you can just use a small dish and scoop out as needed.

  If you live in a warm climate, add one ounce of melted shea or cocoa butter to recipe, or just keep deodorant in the fridge. It feels quite nice going on cold.